This app generates two documents for an attorney: the Engagement Agreement for Legal Services and the Attorney and Client Task Assignment Checklist. The app is designed to help attorneys develop engagement agreements that properly define the limited scope of the representation and outline who is responsible for each associated task. The two documents are intended to be used together.
As a best practice, attorneys should use the app to walk through the checklist with the client, and both the attorney and the client should sign and date each document to memorialize their understanding of the division of tasks associated with the representation.
The toolkit these documents derive from can be found at this link: http://chicagobarfoundation.org/pdf/resources/limited-scope-representation/toolkit.pdf
The toolkit this app is based on was a collaborative project made possible by a number of partners and volunteers, including the Illinois Access to Justice Commission, the Lawyers Trust Fund, The Chicago Bar Association and The Chicago Bar Foundation.
We invite your feedback as we strive to make this app an even better resource going forward. Feedback and questions regarding this toolkit or limited scope representation more generally can be directed to Jessica Bednarz, CBF JEP Director of Innovation & Training, at jbednarz@chicagobar.org or (312) 554-8022.
Total cost