Establish Parenting Time (No Agreement)

Guided interview for pro se litigants developed for the Indiana Bar Foundation.

By Indiana Legal Help

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This guided interview (or "app") helps pro se litigants navigate the process of requesting a change to their child's parenting time arrangement when they and the other parent do not agree.

The Indiana Bar Foundation hired Afterpattern to build this app on their behalf. This app is in live use in the state of Indiana.

How this app was made

The Indiana Bar Foundation, the subject matter expert (SME), created an app outline to communicate to Afterpattern how this guided interview should work.

An app outline describes what information is required in order for app to complete its task.

If you're building an app, we highly recommend starting by writing an app outline. If you choose to hire Afterpattern to build the app for you, an app outline is essential.

View the app outline for this guided interview

Duplicating this app

You can duplicate this app to see how the app outline is reflected in Afterpattern's App Builder. NOTE: Duplicating the app is just meant to provide you with an insight into what the app looks like in the App Builder; duplicating the app will not include the database associated with the live app, therefore the app will not perform as normal.

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Federal / National Indiana
Areas of law
Child custody and parenting plans