Due drocess rightsLegal protections for militaryRights and protections for Native AmericansRights of immigrants and citizensDiscrimination and equal protectionFirst amendment protectionsHuman rightsLGBTQ rightsPrisoners' rightsPrivacy rightsRight to lawyerRight to travelRights of people who have been traffickedSex workers' rightsVoting rightsWomen's rightsWorkers' rightsFamily and child support for Native AmericansAdoptionBirth certificates and identity documentsChild careChild supportDivorce, separation, and annulmentDomestic violence and abuseElder abuseEmancipationMarriages and civil unionsFamily mediation / alternative dispute resolutionName changePaternityGuardianship and conservatorshipJuvenile justiceDisability rightsMental health rightsRights against illegal search and seizureChild custody and parenting plansFoster careParental rights (and termination)