Estate Planning Client Intake

This app provides a model for conducting client intake for estate planning matters


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This app can be used by lawyers to gather pertinent facts and documents from their estate planning clients. The app takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes for a typical client to complete and covers the following topics:

  • Client Information (including contact information and employment)
  • Spousal/Partner Information (including contact information and employment)
  • Family Relations (including children and extended family like siblings and grandkids)
  • Assets (including stock/bonds, savings/checking accounts, and real estate)
  • Liabilities (including mortgages, loans, and support orders)
  • Benefits (including pensions, profit-shares, IRAs, and 401k)
  • Other Property Issues (including property of others and funereal arrangements)

This app is licensed under the MIT License by as of 2019.

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Federal / National
Areas of law
Estate planning and writing a will Funeral and burial issues Power of attorney, advance directives, living wills Trusts