Parental disputes

This is an app for giving advice about parental disputes

By BenGarrad

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The purpose of the process is to assist Parents that have problems with arrangements of their children. This includes: access to their child; the desire to have a say on decisions regarding their child; attaining parental responsibility; making agreements legally binding and; enforcing court orders. The process will work as a series of questions to the user. Firstly it will be ascertained what the issue is, and from there a number of questions will be asked with regards to details of the situation and what his end goals are. From this the process will point him in the direction that his answers point him, whether this is advice that he needs, or where he needs to go to get advice, mediation providers, or the form that he needs to fill out for a court order.

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United Kingdom
Areas of law
Child care Child support Child custody and parenting plans